2024 Impact Overview

The Hartford Taste event was a remarkable success, significantly helping the local business community and enhancing the impression of our region as a vibrant, active community. Over two days, the event attracted an impressive attendance of more than 40,000 people (up 200% in two years) providing a unique platform for over 60 small businesses, including dozens of music and artistic creatives, to showcase their products and services. These businesses benefited from free marketing and extensive media coverage, greatly amplifying their reach. Moreover, the participating businesses were all compensated, offering crucial financial support that enables many to invest in their growth, enhance their operations, and secure a more stable future.

This event not only facilitated connections between businesses and potential customers but also bolstered the local economy by fostering entrepreneurship and encouraging community support. Looking ahead, we aim to expand our efforts, providing even more opportunities for small businesses to thrive. We extend our gratitude to all participating businesses, attendees, media partners, sponsors and our dedicated team for making the Hartford Taste event an overwhelming success. We ask all Harford-minded companies of any size to consider supporting Hartford Taste - we need your help to grow.  Together, we are building a strong, inclusive, livable community.